(July 2023 - June 2024)



Over the last 9 months, Flipside has elevated its level of service and contribution to the Osmosis ecosystem. In collaboration with members of the core team and fellow stakeholders from the broader community, we’ve increased the volume and impact of our on-chain data, actionable insights, and free tooling. We have also doubled down on our long-term commitment to Osmosis by setting up our own validator on bare metal infrastructure to help secure the network and promote a robust, decentralized blockchain.

With the support of the Osmosis community, Flipside seeks the funding necessary to maintain the Community Enabled Analytics program for an additional 12 months. After in depth discussions with key stakeholders, we are also excited to expand the scope of our relationship even further into product analytics, governance, and additional tooling to facilitate onboarding and improve the user experience for all.

As a reminder, all of Flipside’s curated Osmosis data, as well as our SQL query editor, data visualization studio, and API are available as a public good for free at https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/

Current Partnership - In Review

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Since our last funding round in September 2022, we have strived to push the Osmosis ecosystem forward by:

  1. Meeting our target KPIs as outlined in Proposal #330:
    1. Providing on-demand insights to OSL, validators & the community at large,
    2. Curating additional data tables & increasing the refresh frequency of our data,